
Saturday, May 3, 2014

④数(kazu) – numbers : Useful phrase using “months, the date, and days of the week”

Previously, I’ve written about months, the date, and days of the week.
Today, let’s learn how to use them in many different situations! Click the category below to go to that area.


  • When is your birthday?

- お誕生日は、いつですか?(O tanjoubi wa, itsu desu ka?)

(o tanjoubi) = birthday
(itsu) = when
(_wa, itsu desu ka?) = When is _?

  • It’s August 16th.

- 8月16日です。(hachi gatsu juu-roku-nichi desu.)
  • Please tell me your date of birth.

- 生年月日を、教えてください。(seinengappi o oshiete kudasai.)

(seinengappi) = date of birth
(oshieru) = to teach
te-form + ください
(kudasai) = please [verb]
(oshiete kudasai) = Please teach me/ Please tell me

  • I was born on November 29th, 1950.

- 1950年11月29日生まれです。
(sen-kyuu-hyaku-go-juu-nen juu-ichi-gatsu nijuu-ku-nichi umare desu.)

生まれです(umare desu) = I was born on


Event, Anniversary

  • What day is it? (Do you know what day it is today?)

- 今日は、何の日ですか?(Kyou wa nan no hi desu ka?)

(kyou) = today
(nani) = what
(nan no hi) = What day (it could ask about an event, like “Today In History.”)

  • It’s Christmas today.

- 今日は、クリスマスです。(Kyou wa, kurisumasu desu.)

(Kurisumasu) = Christmas

  • It’s our wedding anniversary.

- 結婚記念日です。(Kekkon kinenbi desu.)

(kekkon) = marriage
(kinen) = memory,  commemoration
(kinenbi) = anniversary,  memorial day
(okekkon kinenbi) = wedding anniversary

  • I graduated from university in 1998.

- 1998年に、大学を卒業しました。
(sen-kyuu-hyaku-kyuu-juu-hachi-nen ni, daigaku o sotsugyou shimashita.)

(daigaku) =university, college
(sotsugyou suru) = to graduate



  • The next meeting will be on Friday, May 2nd.

- 次の会議は、5月2日、金曜日です。(tugino kaigi wa, Go-gatsu Futsuka, Kinyoubi desu.)

(tsugi) = next
(kaigi) = meeting
金曜日(kinyoubi) = Friday

  • I have an Aikido lesson every Tuesday.

- 毎週 火曜日に、合気道のレッスンがあります。
(Maishuu Kayoubi ni, Aikidou no ressun ga arimasu.)

毎週(maishuu) = every week
(Kayoubi) = Tuesday
(Aikidou) = Aikidou (martial art)
。(_ga, arimasu) = I have _.

_が、あります。(_ga, arimasu) = There is/are _.

  • I have Japanese lessons on the 2nd and the 4th Monday of each month.

- 毎月 第2 ・ 第4 月曜日に、日本語のレッスンがあります。
(Maitsuki dai-ni  dai-yon Getsuyoubi ni, Nihongo no ressun ga arimasu.)

毎月(maitsuki) = every month
(dai ni) = on the 2nd
(dai yon) = on the 4th
(Getsu youbi) = Monday
(nihon go) = Japanese language
(ressun) = lesson


  • I’ll go to Japan at the end of December.

- 12月の下旬に、日本へ行きます。
(Juu-ni-gatsu no gejun ni Nihon e ikimasu.)

12 月 
(juu-ni-gatsu) = December
_の 下旬
(_no gejun) = end of _
_の 上旬
(_no joujun) = beginning of _
_の 中旬
(_no chuujun) = middle of _
(nihon) = Japan
(iku) = to go


The salary will be paid at the end of month.

- お給料は、月末に支払われます。
(o kyuuryou wa, getsumatsu ni shiharawaremasu.)

(o kyuuryou) = salary
(getusmatsu) = end of month
(shiharau) = to pay
: 支払われます(shiharawaremasu) = to be paid


Invite someone

  • What are you doing this weekend?

- 今週の週末は、何をしていますか?
(konshuu no shuumatsu wa, nani o shiteimasu ka?)

(konshuu) = this week
(shuumatsu) = weekend
(nani) = what
(suru) = to do
teiru-form : している(shiteiru) = to be doing (action in progress)

  • I’ll be at home all weekend.

- 今週の週末は、一日中 家にいます。
(konshuu no shuumatsuwa, ichinichijuu ie ni imasu.)

(ichi nichi juu) = all day (You don’t use a particle for this word)
(zutto) =  a very long time, forever
(ie) = house
(iru) = to be (somewhere), to stay

  • Would you like to go see a movie on Saturday night?

- 土曜日の夜、映画を見に行きませんか?
(Doyoubi no yoru, eiga o mi ni ikimasen ka?)

土曜日(doyoubi) = Saturday
 = night
 = movie
 = to see, to watch (objects, like a TV, movie, or dog)
 = to go
見に行く(mi ni iku) 
= to go to see (something)
verb stem + に
 = to go to verb
↑ this part indicates the purpose

  • Do you have any time tomorrow? / Do you have time tonight?

- 明日 暇ですか? ( Ashita hima desu ka?) Are you free tomorrow?
- 今夜 時間がありますか? (Konya jikan ga arimasu ka?)

明日 (ashita) = tomorrow
暇 (hima) = free time
今夜 (konya) = tonight
時間 (jikna) = time
_が、ありますか? = Do you have _? / Is there _?


Frequency per period = period に frequency (in Japanese)

  • I study Japanese five days a week.

(isshuukan ni itsuka, nihongo o benkyou shimasu.)

 に 5(isshuukan ni itsuka) = five days a week
一週間 (isshuukan)
 = a week
5日 (itsuka) 
= 5 days
日本語 (nihongo) = Japanese language
勉強する (benkyou suru) = to study

  • I call to Japan 4 times a month.

(ikkagetsu ni yon-kai Nihon e denwa shimasu.)

一ヶ月4回 ( ikkagetsu ni yon-kai) = four times a month
一ヶ月 (ikkagetsu) = one month
4回 (yon-kai) = 4 times
日本 (nihon) = Japan
電話する (denwa suru) = to make a phone call

  • When are you coming back to America?.

- いつアメリカに帰ってきますか? (Iitsu Amerika ni kaettekimasuka?)

(iitsu) = when
(amerika) = America
(kaettekuru) = to come back
(kaeru) = to return home or (to return where you were before you leave.)

  • I go back to my country once a year.

一回、国へ帰ります。(Nen ni ikkai, kuni he kaerimasu.)

一回 (nen ni ikkai) = once a year
年 (nen) = year
一回 (ikkai) = once
国 (kuni) = country


At office

  • What’s on the agenda for today? / How’s the schedule for today?

- 今日のスケジュールは、どうなっていますか?
(Kyou no sukejuuru wa, dou natteimasuka?)

(kyou) = today
(sukejuuru) = schedule
(_wa, dounatteimasu ka?) = How is _ going?

  • We’ll visit ABC company at 10.

- 10時にABC社を訪問することになっています。
(10ji ni ABC sha o houmonsuru kotoninatteimasu.)

10時 (juu ji) = 10 o’clock
ABC 社 ( ABC sha) = ABC company
_を 訪問する (_wo, houmonsuru) = to visit _
verb present tense short form  + ことになっている (_kotoninatteiru) = indicates “be supposed to” or “be expected to.”

  • I have a lunch appointment with Mr. Yoshida on April 14th.

- 4月14日に、 吉田さんと 昼食の約束があります。
(Shi-gatsu juu-yokka ni, Yoshida-san to chuushoku no yakusoku ga arimasu.)

(Yoshida san) = Mr. Yoshida
(chuushoku) = lunch
(yakusoku) = appointment
(_ga, arimasu.) = I have_. There is/are_.

  • I have settai this Friday. / I have to entertain some clients Friday.

- 今週の金曜日に接待があります。
(Konshuu no kinyoubi ni settai ga arimasu.)

今週(konshuu) = this week
金曜日 (kinyoubi) = Friday
接待 (settai) = attend to, to take care of your client, to entertain your client / You can make verb-compound using this noun “接待する” (settai suru.)


You visit your client’s office.

  • Ms. Ishikawa is not here right now.

- 石川は、ただいま 外出しております。
(Ishikawa wa, tadaima gaishutsu shiteorimasu.)

石川 (ishikawa) = Ishikawa : someone’s last name. At office when you talk to your client, you use humble form to mention about people who you are working with, even they are your boss. So you don’t use さん.
ただいま (tadaima) = right now
外出する (gaishutsu suru) = to go out : In normal conversation “to go out” is 出かける(dekakeru.)
ております(te orimasu) = is a humble way to say “teimasu.”

  • My schedule is pretty tight next week.

- 来週は、かなり予定が詰まっています。(raishuu wa, kanari yotei ga tumatteimasu.)

来週 (raishuu) = next week
かなり(kanari) = pretty : かなり is a “degree adverb.”
予定 (yotei) = schedule
つまっている(tsumatteiru) = In this sentence, つまっている is a verb and you use this when something (like a schedule or throat) is tight or clogged. 

  • I’ll have more time next month.

- 来月は、比較的余裕があります。(Raigetsu wa, hikakuteki yoyuu ga arimasu.)

来月 (raigetsu) = next month
比較的(hikakuteki) = Literally it means “comparatively” : 比較的 is a “degree adverb.”
余裕 (yoyuu) = Literally it means “more room for something.”
_が、あります。(_ga, arimasu.) = I have_. There is/are_.

  • Mr Nakano is going to attend on my behalf.

- 私/僕の代わりに、中野さんが出席します。
(Watashi/Boku no kawarini Nakano-san ga shusseki shimasu.)

私 (watashi) = I, me : Used by girl and boy
僕 (boku) = I, me : used by boy
_の代わりに (_no kawari ni) = on one’s behalf, in place of _
_ が 出席する (_ga shusseki suru) = _ is going to attend


Make a reservation

- at a restaurant

  • I’d like to make a reservation for two people at six o’clock tonight.

- 今晩 6時に 席を二人分予約したいのですが。
(Konban roku-ji ni seki o futari-bun yoyakushitai nodesu ga.)

今晩 (konban) 
= tonight
6時 (roku-ji) 
= six o’clock
席 (seki) 
= seat
二人分 (futari-bun) = for 2 people
予約する (yoyaku suru) = make a reservation
のです (nodesu) = mode of explaining: it’s more formal than んです form.
が at the end indicates “but.” It’s like “I’d like to make a reservation for two people at six o’clock tonight, but [do you have any seat for us?]“


- at a hotel

  • I’d like to make a reservation for a single room on October 9th.

- 10月9日 に シングルルームを予約したいのですが。
(Juu-gatsu kokonoka ni singuru ruumu o yoyaku shitai nodesu ga.)

シングルルーム (singuru ruumu) = single room
予約する (yoyakusuru) 
= make a reservation
verb stem +たい 
= want to [verb]
予約したい (yoyakushitai) = want to make a reservation
のです (nodesu) = mode of explaining: it’s more formal than んです form.
が at the end indicates “but.”
 It’s like “I’d like to make a reservation for two people at six o’clock tonight, but [do you have any seat for us?]“

  • Are there any rooms available? / Do you have a vacancy?

- 部屋は、空いていますか? (Heya wa aiteimasu ka?)

(heya) = room
(aku) = indicates “empty” or “vacancy”
(aiteiru) =This is  空く+teiru form : indicates “there is/are empty spot or room” or “vacancy.”


- at a travel agency

  • I’d like to reserve a ticket for the flight from Nagoya to New York.

名古屋発 ニューヨーク行き の 便を予約したいのですが。
(Nagoya hatsu New York yuki no bin o yoyaku shitai nodesu ga.)

名古屋 (Nagoya) = Nagoya (a city in Japan)
ニューヨーク (Nyuuyooku) = New York
 B 行き (A hatsu B yuki) = from A to : used for flight or train
便 (bin) = flight

Hope this helps!
- Miho

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